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vladislav1919 Мои старые фото Хаха

Album: Мои старые фото (7 photo)


2011-01-12 13:42:39

428 Tags : хаха


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  • 2016-03-23 14:03:00


  • 2013-04-10 11:18:17

  • 2013-01-09 01:34:11

    Who said God will never forgive you. God has forgiven you even before you ever sinned but it becomes relevant and effective when you accept it by faith. God does not forgive you because your sins are small or big or too many or too little, He forgives you because Jesus Christ paid in full for it by dying and going to hell on your behalf. If God refuses to forgive you when you come to Him on the account of what Jesus Christ did for you, he will become unrighteous because He will be punishing you unjustly after receiving the payment Jesus Christ made on your behalf for your sins. The rea... you feel bad is because there is still a place in your heart reserved for God and it does not matter what you may have done in the past, just reach out to God in faith and He will accept and save you

  • 2011-03-30 08:55:54

    хочу в приднестровье

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