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17.11.11 05:34
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Im like a Coca Cola Polar Teddy Bear in an Indian Jones outfit and looking for preferably a dark haired Valkyri switch/dom

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Извращения — это лыжи в мае, все остальное дело вкуса. Вкус же не аппетит.
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Обожаю очень грубых папочек с огромными членами!!!
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...пишите...комментируйте фото...иногда говорю и по скайпу
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Интересуют только щедрые мужчины!
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AdventurousIndy Self-portrait

Indy 47 yo


Your favorite sex positions
I love it when you take charge and are on top, this gives me the chance to buck, play, and my hands to roam.... wait.... so who would be in charge then?...... c);-JP
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
Sex in the middle of Big Bear Blvd, Big Bear, CA standing in the middle of a four lane street at 3am in front of a fire station, 10 degrees F outside with snow on the ground, and the chance of the local sherriffs or highway patrol driving by at high speed as they would normally do every now and then looking for drunks and miscreants... like us... lol. Hey! Don't give me that look! It was my woman at the time's (and also fiance at the time) idea!! ...I just didn't say no.... lol
Your top sexual fantasy
A dark haried Vakyri like woman that is as much of a fun loving switch as I am.

Fun being had outdoors...

And I have been a cougar hunter now and then...
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
A good woman?...
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Music: Steamtrance / Steampunk (Abney Park), Industrial, Rock (Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, etc...) , and I wuss out to Celtic and things like Enya and Lorena Mckennitt.

Movies: anything space oriented, or sci-fi / aciton / adventure / comedy.

Books: again... Sci-fi / action / adventure / comedy. And of course a few of the great classics and plays. I really did like Shakespears Julius Ceasar.

Art?... 'Blue Man Group'. Lol. The female form, one I can caress, or at least pictures, paintings, and or statues. Those paintings of ocean scenes. And those paintings of city and cars from the early 20th century that have real tiny lights tastefully poking through the canvas at the spots where street lights and car headlights would be painted.
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
US, mexico.

Everywhere else including off this rock...
What do you do in your spare time?
Whatever possible.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Honesty, loyalty, and common sense.
What hobbies do you have?
Too many to list all, but some of the top ones are:

Driving fast (or flying real low. Take your pic... lol). Flying. Freedive spearfishing. Fishing. Pool / Biliards. Darts. Sailing. Skiing. Movies. Video games. Trying to discover an epic beer. Trying to find a Hefeweizen that hasn't been screwed up with overly done additives and without citrus (not everything in life requires an f'ing orange or lime in it people!!!) Attempting to make the perfect pure Mead without making a honey flavored "wine". And Aerospace engineering.... nobody is going to give me a seat on the now gone spaceshuttle or give me the toys, so I'll just make my own and fly them. Care to go play in orbit and on the moon?... Im also an improvisation actor performing several times a year as a knighted ship captain of the late 16th century under Queen Elizabeth at local Renaisance Faires. I am also one of the main battle show performers and use live steel and gunpowder... as well as teach the kiddies history.
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life

The US Army and almost being a father are not too far after...

All of these have both labels of being BOTH my greatest joys and my greatest disappointments.

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 03:30:44

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