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Хочу кредитов)) :)
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Пара МЖ. Ищем мужчину с местом по выходным. Пушкино-Ивантеевка.
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Всем приветики)люблю парней помоложе и погрубее)
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Я толстушка! Вирт не признаю, только реальные встречи. Живу в Бердске, места нет!
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couloblanco Self-portrait

couloblanco 51 yo


Your favorite sex positions
I have my own created moves... I call it the "Helicopter". A man has to have unusual sexual flexibility and creativity to pull this one off, along with the variations I've added to it over the years. And I ALWAYS received a call within 24 hours to see how soon we could get together again.
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
Stopping a glass elevator at its highest point between two floors, over looking the city as we made love AND fucked for for over an hour until... well, I'll keep the rest for a private conversation.
Your top sexual fantasy
A totally mind blowing sudden, spontaneous, super passionate and very mutual encounter with the "girl (woman) next door" that you barely know. Very Hot!
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
I'd like to be with someone of equal virility, mutual passion and unselfishness. You know, being Really in tune with my partner. Sex should be a total or somewhat of an outer body experience almost every time.
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Contemporary R&B from the 80's and beyond.
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Just from coast to coast in the United States.
What do you do in your spare time?
Exercise, play with my dogs and Totally please my woman. Not necessarily in that order.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Unselfishness, giving and a truly mutual appreciation for the reciprocal acts. Especially passionate pleasures in the bedroom together.
What hobbies do you have?
What ever I can share with very special friends and people.
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
That's a little private and deep. you'll have to get to know me before I answer that question.

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 09:24:27

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