LeggyBitch Личные видео Ей нравится сзади
2019-11-04 02:22:02класс
2017-07-29 08:00:04
2013-01-13 04:03:11
I will be praying for you. I know that you think that you have gone too far from God hence he will not accept you. You may do all kinds of things to try to convince yourself that you have gone beyond God’s reach. The truth is he already paid the penalty for your sins even before you were born when he sent Jesus Christ to die for you. The only problem is that you need to accept what he did for you for it to be yours. Rejecting Jesus Christ today from being Lord of your life means you have rejected the only means by which you can receive God's forgiveness. Someday it will be too late to make this choice to accept Jesus. Please be wise and decide now. Say ... I come to you and accept what Jesus Christ did for me. I confess him as my lord and saviour. Congrats and welcome to God's family. Live right from now on because you just received the ability to do it
2012-08-21 07:23:35
Красиво трахается!