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2015-08-30 19:30:36
Долбоеб который ниже, ты бы хоть с пининя на ханцзы переключился, а то смешно выглядит.
2014-03-19 14:41:30
без русских нигде. wo xiang ni. deng wo, wode ai ren. women cheng duo duo ai.
2014-01-01 11:54:04
2013-12-09 04:58:38
You are in Beijing? Write me an email -
2013-07-31 14:58:33
2013-06-28 03:51:54
QQ 1300953558 :)
2013-03-30 12:42:30
you come to the hotel?
2012-12-12 11:08:58
об чом аватарка задумалась ?
2012-11-01 14:56:20
add onQQ 2553107837
2012-09-13 09:04:10
Hey. Nice to meet you? I Vova. Adequate for a normal guy with no kinks in the head. Play sport, do not smoke or ...)) sincerely, honest, a lot of what fond ... let's be friends. On this site Limit communication ((if you do not mind to let perepisovatsya elektronke write my box, I'll be glad to new acquaintances .. I'm a real guy my mobile 0678593185 with your permission if you want to can will call just to talk, I hope the phone calls not bad, I will not phoning no sense if a per... does not want to .. I hope obschatsya ... ...
Will tell about themselves than zanimaeshsya? you uchishsya or rabotaesh? a long time on the site? Sports and Ljubisa ?? -
2011-12-09 09:30:24
2011-11-17 12:07:58
Hello, my skype ozerom1 added mischief
2011-11-01 11:58:56very nice!!!!
2010-12-03 13:41:51
И правда Золушка ))))