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2015-07-06 03:07:46
Как же хочется с утра горячего секса, а не кофе... главное в сексе - не забыть про девушку))
2014-09-22 02:52:20
2014-09-22 02:51:55
,поцелую нежно в шейку и согрею тебя-окутав своей лаской и теплом ! Мы уснем в обнимку после приятных разговоров, сладких поцелуев и хорошего секса,а ут... ты проснешься от а...ата вкуснейшего кофе,который я принесу тебе в постель! Твоя улыбка будет мне наградой !
2014-01-11 08:03:09
Hello would u like to chat?
2013-08-23 16:51:29
AM LOOKING FOR GIRLS AS SOULMATE & show yr face on cam.Pls no fake or scammers.wanna verify u okyr cell num,yr name and address.Am very curious man to know all about u not any false stories.i cross check everybody. Hey You can get Hooked up at ahx3098 on yeah who that me at yahoo messenger id is ahx3098 with yr cell/mobile compulsory.Am very talktive at skype as mi...imiss but you get hooked up with me on ya who male ahx3098.join me at skype or yahoo id mi...imiss to chat.
YOU HAVE TO VERIFY YRSELF BY CELL NUM.i need a girl who will come here to me on her own flight charges.
wanna verify u ok,yr cell num, yr name and address, am very curious man to know all about u not any false stories, i cross check everybody ok.Women who is really interested in me will never ask for money nor for any help but she will travell all the way to his man destination for her love on her own.
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2013-08-19 16:40:22