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30.06.17 03:33
1 20 of 100
I sail the world. love to have a loving mate? I see erotic suggestion here but where is the sharing of heart and joy?

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без фото не отвечаю
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Пара ищем девушку или пару гости странички ставим лайки и пишем коменты почта dushina.87@inbox.ru
1 20 of 100
Ищу встречи с девушками или парами МЖ
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Красота становится живой и интересной, когда она скрыта одеждой.
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
Всех люблю. Мужчины! Не жадничайте. Ненасытная минетчица и злостная аналочка))! почта yekaterina_belova_11@inbox.ru


DArcy 70 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
Preferred age
from 35 to 65 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Marriage and family
  • Regular sex partner
  • Virtual sex
  • Photo and video exchange
Marital status
Material support
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become one
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Own automobile
Prefer not to say
  • English
sailing the world for the past nine years
wishing for one to one female mate/partner/lover/friend/hoping for life
to sail and explore the world with me - MUST BE AVAILABLE.
currently in Thailand, Malaysia.

I'm not paying for company - want equal mate who has so...ing to contribute

a great match if you're soft and cuddly easy going, adventurous to explore by sail (at least enthusiastic to try if you don't have sailing experience)

very important - loves to love and be loved because I'm about us enjoying our intimacy and affection. (zero ...)

love not shy and wanting to be a nice couple. (Oh yah I love pubic hair!!!!)
I only speak English - it is needed for sailing safely?

Non- smoker is essential (for both our health)
regular mail for writing and sharing pics practical(dot)dreams(at)gmail(dot)com

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Viva The King of Sex

yano4ek 36

Rules 00:55:35

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